Antique & Flea Market, Yamaguchi City

Sunday, December 28, 2008
Posted by sato


On the first Sunday of each month there is an antique and flea market in Kameyama Park in downtown Yamaguchi City. The market runs from dawn to lunchtime, but in the short space of time between dawn and sunrise the market has been picked clean of real bargains by serious and professional antique dealers. Even so, the public still has plenty to see and buy for the rest of the morning, and the crowds make this the biggest antiques market in west Japan.

Antique & Flea Market, Yamaguchi City

The back half of the market is a flea market of stalls mostly selling used clothes, household goods, DVDs, toys etc. Most of the sellers seem to be students from the two universities in town.

Antique & Flea Market, Yamaguchi City

The antiques section has lots of fascinating stuff; including stallholders decked out in World War II Japanese Army uniforms.

Kameyama Park is located across the street from the Yamaguchi Prefectural Art Museum, and that is a good place to park as the parking for the market itself is usually full.

Antique & Flea Market, Yamaguchi City

© Jake Davies &

